Bharat Express

Kim Jong Un

Kim asked Putin a slew of detailed questions

Kim Jong Un aims to raise DPRK-Russia friendship and cooperation to a new higher level

North Korea would pay a price if it supplied Moscow with weaponry for the Ukraine conflict

Now it's time. The World needs to wake up before the war turns to World War. Hope, North Korea's 'entry' in Ukraine war does not prove to be the best news of the year..

Kim Jong Un, who is in charge of the event, demands for the navy to be rapidly developed and "nuclear weaponized."

According to John Kirby, the national security spokesman for the White House, the United States is concerned about the two countries' aggressive progress.

Whereas China was clearly helping Russia earlier, now North Korea has also joined the verbal front openly appearing to be encouraging Russia..

Pyongyang has consistently characterized the drills as a rehearsal for war

Let's not forget that North Korea among other things is a theocratic state

The United States and South Korea are planning military drills between August 21 and 24, which the North perceives as a threat to its security