Bharat Express


The strike fuels widespread fears that the nearly three-month-old Israel-Hamas conflict would escalate into a large regional conflict

Since Israel's military campaign in Gaza started almost three months ago, Hezbollah and the Israeli military have been exchanging gunfire over the Israeli-Lebanese border almost every day.

The West Bank has been under Israeli military occupation since 1967

Tens of thousands of protesters had protested weekly against the government reforms

While its operations against Hamas continue, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) requested people in many areas of central Gaza to leave right away last week.

McDonald's Malaysia confirmed it filed the lawsuit against BDS Malaysia to safeguard its rights and interests

At least four civilians and nine troops have been killed on the Israeli side

"You think getting aid into Gaza is easy? Think again", says the UN humanitarian chief

The Israeli Embassy's production and distribution of a video drawing parallels to the security situation in another country was deemed inappropriate

Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers and settlers