Bharat Express

international space station

SpaceX has secured an $843 million NASA contract to develop a vehicle to safely deorbit the International Space Station in 2030.

US corporations are considering building nuclear reactors at two Indian sites, Mithi Virdhi and Kovadda, despite concerns over the Civil Liability Nuclear Damage Act 2010

NASA announced in a blog post that the launch was moved back to Saturday to give engineers more time to study a component of the Crew Dragon capsule’s environmental control and life support system..

The image that AlNeyadi posted was taken at night and showed a lit-up Delhi. The image showed a stunning map of the nation's capital as the lights came on throughout the city. (Twitter/@Astro_Alneyadi)...

National Aeronautics and Space Administration has created a technology through which 98 percent of the pee, sweat or any kind of water material can be collected to convert it to drinking water.