Bharat Express

Interest Rates

If the US economy remains strong and inflation persists, the Fed would be prepared to maintain the current target range for the federal funds rate as long as appropriate

Policymakers opted to maintain the status quo amidst indications of a broader economic slowdown, which has been easing price pressures.

Powell confirms: Federal Reserve to lower rates in 2024 due to slowing inflation and robust economy.

Although inflation has fallen dramatically in the last 12 months, it remains stuck persistently over the Fed's target

The World Bank's latest projection indicates that Pakistan's economy will only grow by 0.4% this year, down from its previous estimate of 2% growth in October.

According to analysts, there is a need for another hike due to weaker-than-anticipated global growth, supply-side disruptions in global commodities etc...

Market analysts anticipate the interest rate to continue to rise with a possibility of a further 25 basis point rise in the rates.