Bharat Express

Indresh Kumar

Indresh Kumar's speech was a call to maintain the integrity of India by rejecting religious reservations and opposing political tactics that threaten national unity.

Purchasing Power Has Surpassed Inflation: Indresh Kumar

Indresh Kumar stressed the importance of each vote, noting that India, as the largest democracy, grants equal power to every individual. He highlighted the good fortune of those who exercise this right and the misfortune of those who do not.

Kumar stressed that Muslims do not lay claim to exclusive rights over the country's resources, advocating for equal access for all citizens.

Indresh Kumar, the Patron of Muslim Rashtriya Manch and a senior leader of the Sangh, has emphasized the importance of increasing unity, integrity, sovereignty, and harmony by guiding the country along the path of non-violence.

4th Himalaya Hind Mahasagar Rashtra Samuh International Conference on Bharat, Girmitiya and Africa: Historical, Cultural and Strategic Cooperation inauguration held

The workshop highlighted Islamic principles advocating love for one's country, emphasizing that while religions may change, ancestors, traditions, and culture remain constant.

Indresh Kumar, addressing the gathering, hailed the upcoming enthronement of Ram Lala in the Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya on January 22 as a historic and globally welcomed event.

Ram is in every heart, and people across the world should light the lamps of peace and unity on January 22, 2024, acknowledging the presence of Lord Ram in Ayodhya.

Indresh Kumar: The country is moving towards becoming a world guru Trade started in Indian currency with 20 countries.