Bharat Express

Air India

A new set of grooming guidelines for its crew members has been published by Air India. In an effort to change its “Chalta Hai” workplace culture, the Tata-owned airline has created a list of grooming standards for both male and female employees. All crew members are required to abide by the uniform and appearance guidelines …

An attentive five year target has been set by Tatas pledging to transform Air India into a world class airline. Through the ISB Digital Transformation Program, the top Indian industrial group  prepares working professionals for making  their organizations on the future-ready concept with a sky is the limit thought process. Announcing the transformation plan, Tata …

This is kind of a challenging act opting for the flight path of Air India. Tata does well deserve a national appreciation. Two major issues certainly are going to lay the foundation for the Air-biz tomorrow. The arrival of the new Chief Execution Officer is going to witness a tricky phase of turning around Air …