Bharat Express


Incorporating the Ayurvedic habits listed below into your daily regimen you can help you stay rejuvenated and beat the summer heat.

Even while the study indicated that staying up late had little effect on how long "night owls" survived, evening personalities had a slightly higher risk of passing away than morning personalities.

Today is Father's Day, and one of the ways you can celebrate the occasion is by binge-watching some entertaining films with your dad...

The use of AI in social sciences opens up new avenues for generating ideas that can then be tested in human populations

Studies suggest that longer growing seasons contribute to weakening the wood, making trees structurally weaker...

In our lives, our fathers are heroes who are able to do anything for their family...

Portugal, Jamaica, Libya, Oman, and San Marino, sickle cell disease was among the top three causes of death...

The latest study modeled the observed changes in the drift of Earth's rotational pole and the movement of water...

Childhood adversity between ages 3 and 5 had a significant impact on children's epigenomes at age 7...

The 21 year old broke the previous record, which was set by China's Yusheng Du in 2018, by 0.34 seconds...