Bharat Express

5 Foods To Avoid And 5 Foods To Eat On An Empty Stomach

It is vital to be mindful of the food to eat on an empty stomach in the morning because our bodies have been fasting and need a proper kickstart.

Foods to eat empty stomach

It is vital to be mindful of the food to eat on an empty stomach in the morning because our bodies have been fasting and need a proper kickstart. The first meal in the morning or say empty stomach replenishes the supply of Glucose and boosts energy level.

The energy and mood of the day is often established at breakfast. Avoiding unhealthy or acidic substances on an empty stomach is as important as incorporating healthy. Here are some worst and best food options that can be consumed on an empty stomach.

Food to avoid in the morning

Fruit Juice

Fruit juice doesn’t satiate hunger and may even be unhealthy, despite having antioxidants and minerals in it. It has a high fibre and sugar content. High concentrations of sugar cause many health problems.

Sugary Coffee Drinks

These beverages increase the chance of acquiring long-term conditions such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other conditions. This may result in weight gain

Sweetened Yogurt

Because of the high level of sugar content, yogurt is not a good option for breakfast.

Spicy Food

spicy food can irritate the stomach lining and cause indigestion and acid reflux.

Foods to eat on an empty stomach


Berries are low in calories and high in fibre. It is good for weight management. it falls into the category of ‘foods to eat empty stomach’.


Eggs are a satisfying and wholesome breakfast choice since they are high in protein and other nutrients. They do not cause any harm to stomach or body if consumed empty stomach.

Lemon Water

Warm lemon water can aid improve digestion and jump-start your metabolism when consumed on an empty stomach.


A quick and convenient choice, bananas are packed with fibre, potassium and natural sugar. Bananas provide a gentle energy boost without causing a spike in blood sugar.


Nutrient packed almonds provide healthy fat, protein and fibre. Almond provides sustained release of energy. This is a food to eat on empty stomach.

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