Bharat Express

PM Modi’s Mission: Ensuring Future Generations Remember The Dark Days Of Emergency

This anniversary serves not only as a reminder of past challenges but also as a testament to India’s enduring spirit of resilience and commitment to democratic ideals under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

On June 25, 1975, then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s declaration of Emergency marked a pivotal moment in Indian history. Now, as the nation observes 50 years since that fateful day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken to social media to denounce the Congress Party for what he describes as its assault on fundamental freedoms and the Constitution of India.

In a poignant post on platform X, PM Modi recalled the challenging days of the Emergency, sharing a historic photograph from the ‘Modi Archive’. He recounted how the period served as an unexpected opportunity for him, allowing him to collaborate with leaders and organizations across diverse ideological spectra. Modi emphasized that during this time, he witnessed firsthand the unity and determination of the Indian people from all walks of life who stood against the authoritarian measures imposed by the Congress government.

The roots of Modi’s activism against the Emergency can be traced back to his involvement in the Navnirman movement of 1974 in Gujarat, where he, as an RSS pracharak, witnessed the potent impact of student-led movements in driving social change. His involvement deepened during the Emergency, as he actively participated in protests, organized meetings, and distributed banned literature to raise awareness about the government’s excesses.

Also read: PM Jabs Congress On 50th Anniversary Of Emergency, Recalls ‘Dark Days’

PM Modi’s steadfast opposition to the Congress regime extended beyond street activism. He played a pivotal role in sustaining the resistance through articles and correspondence, often under disguise to evade authorities. His efforts were instrumental in mobilizing public opinion against the Emergency, both domestically and internationally.

Following the lifting of Emergency in 1977, Modi’s dedication to public service continued unabated. He documented his experiences in his first book, ‘Sangharsh Ma Gujarat’ in 1978, which chronicled his journey as a leader during the tumultuous period. The memoir not only received widespread acclaim but also cemented Modi’s reputation as a resilient advocate for democracy and civil liberties.

In the present day, as India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi remains committed to upholding the sanctity of the Constitution and safeguarding democratic values. His poignant gesture of touching the Constitution at the Parliament House serves as a solemn reminder of the importance of preserving India’s hard-won freedoms.

As the nation marks this somber anniversary, PM Modi’s reflections underscore a resolute commitment to never allow such encroachments on democracy again. His message resonates with a vow to safeguard India’s democratic ethos, ensuring that the sacrifices made during the Emergency are never forgotten.

This anniversary serves not only as a reminder of past challenges but also as a testament to India’s enduring spirit of resilience and commitment to democratic ideals under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.