Bharat Express

PM Modi Unleashes Attack on Congress in Delhi, Shehzada Acknowledges System’s Bias Against Dalits and Backward Communities

PM Modi asserted, “My fellow citizens, I am deeply troubled by the direction our country is heading. Allow me to shed light on the divisive politics orchestrated by the Congress party.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a fiery address at a massive rally held on Wednesday in Dwarka, the national capital of Delhi. During his speech, he launched a scathing critique aimed at the Congress party and its leader, Rahul Gandhi. Addressing the gathered crowd, he expressed concern about the state of the nation and proceeded to highlight what he deemed as divisive tactics employed by the Congress Party.

PM Modi asserted, “My fellow citizens, I am deeply troubled by the direction our country is heading. Allow me to shed light on the divisive politics orchestrated by the Congress party.” He reminisced about the pre-independence era, alleging that the Congress party initiated a series of divisive actions, ultimately leading to the partition of the country along religious lines. “I refrain from playing the Hindu-Muslim card,” he emphasized, “unlike those who incessantly exploit religious sentiments for political gain. Their strategy revolves around vote bank politics and perpetuating division. This is a blatant betrayal of the inclusive ethos enshrined in our Constitution.”

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Continuing his critique, PM Modi accused the Congress of resorting to communal politics on a large scale after losing its traditional Muslim vote bank to regional parties. “Despite their myriad falsehoods, the truth cannot be hidden. Even the Congress scion has acknowledged the systemic discrimination perpetrated by his family’s legacy against Dalits, backward classes, and tribals,” Modi remarked. “Generations of marginalized communities have suffered due to the Congress’s policies.”

Shifting focus to corruption, PM Modi lambasted opposition parties, branding them as deeply corrupt entities. “These coalition members are steeped in corruption, amassing vast fortunes through illicit means,” he alleged. “Their malfeasance is laid bare for all to see, particularly in regions like Jharkhand and West Bengal. In Delhi, their flagrant corruption knows no bounds, with even the courts expressing astonishment at the scale of their plunder. These self-proclaimed agents of change have betrayed the trust of the people of Delhi, indulging in rampant corruption instead of fulfilling their promises.”