In a heartwarming turn of events, a woman, Fulmati, who went missing nearly 49 years ago has been reunited with her family in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. The emotional reunion was part of the Uttar Pradesh Police’s ‘Operation Muskaan’, a mission aimed at reuniting missing persons with their loved ones.
At the age of eight, Fulmati was kidnapped while visiting a fair with her mother in Moradabad. The kidnappers sold her to a resident of Rampur, where she spent the following years searching for her family. Now, at 57 years old, she continues to reflect on her harrowing experience.
Despite years of struggle, Fulmati’s story resurfaced after Dr Pooja Rani, a teacher, alerted authorities about her plight. This led to the formation of a team to trace her origins.
The investigative team, following a thorough inquiry, successfully identified Fulmati’s family in the Mau district. After extensive efforts, Fulmati was able to reconnect with her family, receiving confirmation from her uncle Ramhit and brother Laldhar.
Operation Muskaan Receives Praise
The reunion received widespread praise for the Azamgarh police’s efforts. Fulmati and her family expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the authorities’ determination in bringing them back together after decades of separation.
‘Operation Muskaan’ continues to be a symbol of hope for many families, showcasing the vital role of police in reuniting missing persons with their loved ones.
For the unversed, ‘Operation Muskaan’ is a Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) initiative to rescue and rehabilitate missing children. The operation has been conducted in various states, including Jharkhand, Chandrapur, and Telangana.
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