Bharat Express

“Moon Will Not Be Far From Us After 23rd August,” Says ISRO As Chandrayaan 3 Enters Last Stage Of Mission

Vikram Lander is carrying the Pragyan Rover which, after the landing of Vikram Lander will be working to provide the Indian scientists the insights about moon.

chandrayaan 3 last stage

Chandrayaan 3 in its last stage

Chandrayaan 3 is not just another space mission for India. Citizens of the country have their hopes connected to the mission. With every single day passing by, the climax of this lunar mission is nearing as Chandrayaan 3 is in the last stage of mission. On Thursday, the Propulsion Module was successfully separated from Vikram Lander. On this success, team of Bharat Express interviewed the Programming Manager of Tara Mandal, Prerna who explained the importance of this day. She further talked about how the next steps in future will go to finally make the soft landing possible. Here’s what she said.

What next…

While explaining the fact that it is almost the last stage prior to the landing of Chandrayaan 3. She said, “Every single step now holds great importance, every single day is very important. Because from now onwards we are going to focus on the soft landing of the Lunar mission.”

The coming 5 to 6 days will be designated to de-boosting, lowering the speed of the spacecraft. And then finally choosing the right place to land the mission will be the final and deciding step.

Also Read: Chandrayaan-3 Update: Final Moon Mission Begins As Chandrayaan-3 Lander Separates From Propulsion Module

Chandrayaan 3 in its last stage

Vikram Lander is carrying the Pragyan Rover which, after the landing of Vikram Lander will be working to provide the Indian scientists the insights about moon.

The Programming Manager, while explaining the future steps, also recalled what happened with the last Lunar Mission, Chandrayaan 2. She said, “Landing of the rover is definitely the most difficult part as that was exactly the step which went wrong with Chanrayaan 2. But this time, ISRO scientists are ready for all kinds of risks to be taken. We are sure about the safe landing of the rover this time.”

Also Read: Chandrayaan-3 Updates: Vikram Lander Separation Will Occur Today, Only 163 kilometres From Moon

Moon will not be so far off now…

Talking about the success of the Chandryaan mission, the ISRO scientist said that we are only waiting for 23rd August. She expressed, “…We are just waiting for 23rd August when the clock will hit 5:47. We will be able to reach out to that part of moon that is untouched.”

Earlier, ISRO even issued a few pictures taken by the spacecraft that gave the entire nation a great sense of pride. Indians felt a lot more enthusiastic about the space mission, after watching those pictures.