Bharat Express

Chandrayaan 3. ISRO

The success of Chandrayaan-3 marks a pivotal moment for India's aspirations of establishing a lunar base.

PM Modi attended the video conference in the most recent ten minutes. The ISRO centre erupted in cheers as soon as Chandrayaan-3's lunar lander touched down on the moon, and everyone began applauding one another.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) had stated on Monday that Vikram's camera can capture fine details, enabling it to identify various risks on the moon's surface and ensure its own safety.

Vikram took pictures of the Moon's craters in the uncharted area of the lunar south pole, which is constantly facing away from the Earth, before the landing.

Before making its historic arrival on the uncharted south pole zone of the moon on Wednesday night, the Vikram lander was given the responsibility of finding a safe landing place.

The lander would function in accordance with the system intelligence, according to Mr. Sivan, who said that sensors and other systems always have a degree of redundancy.

Vikram Lander is carrying the Pragyan Rover which, after the landing of Vikram Lander will be working to provide the Indian scientists the insights about moon.

The lander, named Vikram Sarabhai after the father of India's space effort, is equipped with the Pragyan rover. An important turning point in the mission has been reached with the lander's separation from the propulsion module.

On Thursday, the ISRO lunar spacecraft carrying Vikram and Pragyan will separate from the propulsion module.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is set to execute a significant operation for Chandrayaan-3.