Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav launched the ‘Run For Unity’ campaign on Tuesday at T. T. Nagar stadium in Bhopal to celebrate Rashtriya Ekta Diwas. This event commemorated the 150th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, India’s first Deputy Prime Minister, fondly remembered as the ‘Iron Man’ for his role in unifying the nation. CM Yadav paid floral tribute to Patel, marking the occasion with state officials and over 500 youth participants, organized by the Sports and Youth Affairs Department.
State BJP president V. D. Sharma, along with other leaders, attended the event. BJP national president J. P. Nadda had earlier urged party members in all BJP-ruled states to join Unity Day events. CM Yadav administered an oath of national unity and instructed District Collectors to organize similar programs statewide.
The Madhya Pradesh government announced additional events across the state, inviting public participation to honor Patel’s achievements. Known for uniting India’s 562 princely states post-independence, Patel persuaded the Nawab of Bhopal to join the Union. On April 30, 1949, after intense local protests, the Nawab signed the accession, officially integrating Bhopal into India on June 1, 1949.
In parallel with Unity Day, Madhya Pradesh has commenced celebrations for its 69th Foundation Day. The government has scheduled a four-day celebration starting November 1, aiming to honor the state’s history and progress.
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