An incident in Karnataka involving an Army soldier named Parashuram has gained widespread attention on social media. Parashuram, who is stationed in Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir, was on leave when the incident occurred in Belagavi. He was reportedly heavily intoxicated and causing a traffic disturbance, along with verbally abusing people on the road.
When confronted by upset bystanders, Parashuram continued to act unruly and use abusive language. This situation escalated, resulting in a physical altercation where a group of six individuals began to assault him. The onlookers captured visuals of the incident, which showed the assailants resorting to blows and kicks as they beat him in the middle of the road. This led to a traffic jam, and they eventually moved him to the roadside, where the assault continued.
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Subsequently, Parashuram was taken to an army hospital, where he continued to cause a disturbance. He is expected to resume duty on November 14.
The police have taken action in the case, filing charges against the six individuals involved in the soldier’s beating and arresting four of them. This incident highlights the importance of maintaining composure and adhering to the law, even in challenging situations.
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