Bharat Express

IMD Announces Monsoon Onset Over Kerala

The southwest monsoon has set in over Kerala today, June 8


The India Meteorological Department (IMD) announced Thursday that the southwest monsoon arrived in India, a week later than usual.

Meteorologists had stated that Cyclone Biparjoy was influencing the severity of the monsoon and that its arrival over Kerala would be mild.

The India Meteorological Department said in a statement, “The southwest monsoon has set in over Kerala today, June 8”.

“The monsoon has advanced into the remaining parts of the south Arabian Sea and some parts of the central Arabian Sea, the entire Lakshadweep area, most parts of Kerala, most parts of south Tamil Nadu, remaining parts of Comorin area, Gulf of Mannar and some more parts of southwest, central and northeast Bay of Bengal today”, the IMD added.

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With a standard deviation of around 7 days, the southwest monsoon normally arrives in Kerala on June 1. The IMD predicted that the monsoon will arrive in Kerala by June 4 in mid-May.

Skymet forecast the onset of the monsoon over Kerala on June 7, with a three days error margin.

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