Bharat Express

Gujarat Businessman and Wife Renounce ₹200 Crore Wealth to Embrace Monkhood

In the spiritual tradition of Jainism, undertaking ‘diksha’ represents a profound commitment to a life devoid of material comforts, characterized by a reliance on alms and the humble act of traversing barefoot across the country.

An affluent Jain couple hailing from Gujarat has made a remarkable decision, one that echoes the spiritual journeys of their children. Bhavesh Bhandari, along with his wife, ceremoniously donated nearly ₹200 crore in February, marking a profound transition in their lives as they embrace monkhood. Following the path laid by their 19-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son, who embarked on their spiritual quests in 2022, Bhavesh and his wife have been inspired to shed their material possessions and join the ascetic path.

The upcoming event on April 22 will witness the formal commitment of the Bhandari couple to a life of renunciation. This entails severing all familial ties and relinquishing all materialistic objects. From then on, they will traverse the landscapes of India barefoot, relying solely on alms for sustenance. Their possessions will be reduced to two white garments, a bowl for alms, and a “rajoharan,” symbolizing their adherence to the Jain principle of non-violence, as they gently brush away insects before settling down.

This profound decision by the Bhandari family, renowned for their wealth, has captured widespread attention across the state. Their journey mirrors that of Bhavaralal Jain, who transitioned from a life of affluence to one of restraint, becoming a beacon for others. Notably, Bhavaralal Jain played a pivotal role in introducing micro-irrigation systems in India.

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The Bhandari couple, accompanied by 35 others, embarked on a solemn procession spanning four kilometers, during which they relinquished all their possessions, including mobile phones and air conditioners. Videos from the procession depict the couple atop a chariot, reminiscent of royalty bidding farewell to their worldly possessions.

In the spiritual tradition of Jainism, undertaking ‘diksha’ represents a profound commitment to a life devoid of material comforts, characterized by a reliance on alms and the humble act of traversing barefoot across the country.

This narrative of spiritual transformation finds resonance in the stories of other affluent individuals who have embraced monkhood. Notably, a diamond merchant and his wife from Gujarat embarked on a similar journey, following in the footsteps of their son. Likewise, a couple from Madhya Pradesh made headlines when they donated ₹100 crore and entrusted the care of their three-year-old daughter to her grandparents as they embraced monkhood.

These stories serve as poignant reminders of the power of spiritual conviction and the profound transformations it can instigate in the lives of individuals and communities alike.