Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo Arvind Kejriwal seems to lose his nerves. Especially after the arrest of the party MP Sanjay Singh. Today he came down heavily upon the central government alleging that the central investigating agencies are being misused and terming the entire liquor scam a “fake” one.
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He said that the opposition parties are intentionally being targeted in order to make them inactive. And that not a single paise were exchanged. “Sanjay Singh was arrested after a marathon interrogation and not a single evidence was proved to be correct,” said Delhi Chief Minister.
He further said that so many business tycoons are roaming freely with so many cases against them and the union government made no efforts to nab them. “An atmosphere of fear is prevailing in the country which is detrimental for the nation,” he further said.
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He termed the present union government as an ineffective one. And that not a single development took place under Modi regime. And those who are really working are being selectively targeted. A sense of political vendetta is going on nowadays.
Sanjay Singh is in ED remand and he will continue to be in remand till October 10.
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