The photos from Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s wedding are still fresh in our minds. On September 24, Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha were married in Udaipur in front of friends and family. Recently, a Parineeti Chopra fan page revealed some fresh images from their picture-perfect wedding. Parineeti can be seen posing for a full portrait in the carousel post. In another,
Manish Malhotra, her official designer, can be seen holding the long veil as she descends the stairs. The newlyweds are seen posing in another photo with their hands raised.
The brothers Parineeti, Shivang, and Sahaj Chopra are briefly mentioned. The fan page’s caption for the post said, “Just when our happy tears start to dry up, new pictures come up.” Parineeti also posted a few of the images to her Instagram stories. Check out the images below:
A day after being married, Parineeti and Raghav posted the first images from their wedding. “From the very first chat at the breakfast table, our hearts knew,” they said in the caption. I’ve been looking forward to this day for a while. I feel very blessed to have married my love! They couldn’t have survived without each other. Our forever starts right now.
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In a private wedding video that Parineeti also released, she can be seen singing a particular song for Raghav Chadha. In the description, she wrote, “To my husband… the most important song I’ve ever sung… walking towards you, hiding from the baraat, singing these words… what do I even say… O piya, chal chalein aa?”
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