Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj has confirmed the detection of the JN.1 variant in the national capital, marking the first reported case of this Omicron sub-variant. Out of the three samples subjected to genome sequencing, one has been identified as JN.1, while the remaining two are classified as Omicron, according to Mr. Bharadwaj’s statement to ANI.
As of December 26, Health Ministry sources report a total of 109 cases of the JN.1 COVID variant across the country. Dr. Bobby Bhalotra, Vice Chairman in the Department of Chest Medicine at Gangaram Hospital, reassured the public, stating that the new variants, including JN.1, have shown mild symptoms thus far. While there is no cause for panic, Dr. Bhalotra stressed the importance of taking precautions due to the heightened infectiousness of these variants, particularly compared to the normal COVID virus.
Dr. Bhalotra highlighted a 20-30 percent increase in respiratory illness cases in the outpatient department, attributing the surge to weather changes, viral infections, and elevated pollution levels in the national capital. Individuals with pre-existing conditions like asthma, interstitial lung disease, or COPD are experiencing exacerbations, often linked to various viruses, including H1N1 or swine flu. Despite vaccines being available, some individuals are not getting inoculated in a timely manner, contributing to the rise in breathing-related issues.
Also read: Ayodhya Railway Station In Uttar Pradesh Officially Renamed ‘Ayodhya Dham’ Junction
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently categorized JN.1 as a variant of interest, distinct from its parent lineage BA.2.86. While the WHO has acknowledged the presence of JN.1, it has emphasized that the overall risk associated with this variant remains low based on current evidence.
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