The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the state’s first floating restaurant on Wednesday. After inspecting the works of Ganga Pujan, Kilaghat and Akshayavat in Sangam area, the Chief Minister reached Triveni Darshan Hotel located on Yamuna Bank Road. The CM flagged off the new speed boat after inaugurating a floating restaurant in the Yamuna in front of the hotel.
He remained for 25 minutes at the inauguration ceremony of the floating restaurant and speed boat being started by the Uttar Pradesh Tourism Department under Smart City. Received information from Tourism Department officials about the specialties of the restaurant and speed boat.
Yogi Aditya Nath, also flagged off the speed boat from the floating restaurant. The Tourism Department is spending Rs 5 crore and starting the operation of floating restaurant and speed boat. In this, two catamaran boats with 20 seats each, two speed boats with two seats and six speed boats with six seats will be operated.
Along with the CM, Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh, Industrial Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta Nandi, Public Works Department Minister Jitin Prasad, Mayor Umeshchandra Ganesh Kesarwani, Kumbh Mela Officer Vijay Kiran Anand and other officials along with local MLAs were present in the ceremony.
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