In the bustling town of Armoor in Nizamabad, a vibrant pink bus navigated a narrow lane, carrying Telangana leaders atop its platform. Amidst the commotion, Minister KT Rama Rao, affectionately known as KTR, found himself teetering on the edge as the driver abruptly applied the brakes. Flanked by Jeevan Reddy and Suresh Reddy, a video captured the tense moment when the trio almost tumbled off the bus.
Undeterred by the close call, KTR, also the BRS working president, pressed on with the campaign, heading to Kodangal for further electoral engagements.
The video showcased leaders huddled on a small platform above the bus, gripping the railing as it maneuvered through the narrow alley. Men in white T-shirts and camouflage trousers ran alongside, holding a rope to stabilize the bus. A vigilant security personnel cleared the path upfront. However, a sudden brake application led to the leaders losing balance and tumbling, resulting in minor bruises for Jeevan Reddy and Suresh Reddy.
As Telangana gears up for a triangular contest among the BRS, Congress, and BJP in the November 30 polls, the political landscape appears dynamic. In the 2018 Assembly elections, the BRS secured a dominant position with 88 out of 119 seats, claiming 47.4% of the total vote share. The Congress trailed behind with 19 seats and a 28.7% vote share.
The culmination of this electoral drama will unfold on December 3 when the votes are set to be counted, determining the fate of these political contenders.
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