On Wednesday, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took a creative approach by unveiling a poster that depicted Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the iconic cyborg character from the film ‘The Terminator’. The intention behind this portrayal was to convey the idea that the Prime Minister stands impervious to defeat the opposition alliance.
Embedded with the film’s renowned catchphrase, ‘I’ll be back’, the poster hinted at Prime Minister Modi’s anticipated return for another term in 2024.
This move occurred on the eve of the Opposition coalition INDIA’s scheduled assembly in Mumbai on August 31 and September 1. The poster was shared across BJP’s official social media platforms, accompanying a caption that mockingly dismissed the Opposition’s aspirations to overcome PM Modi. The caption read, “While the Opposition dreams of defeating PM Modi, the reality is different! The Terminator always emerges victorious.”
Simultaneously, the INDIA bloc, a collective of 26 opposition parties, is gearing up for a significant two-day summit in Mumbai. This gathering is poised to play a pivotal role in solidifying their strategy for the forthcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Substantial announcements are anticipated, encompassing the introduction of a coordination committee and the unveiling of the alliance’s logo.
Furthermore, the meeting is likely to lead to the establishment of committees entrusted with devising joint campaigns nationwide, as well as formulating strategies for the allocation of constituencies in the upcoming elections.
This assembly marks the third meeting of the opposition alliance since their inaugural convening in Patna back in June.
Also Read: Uddhav Thackeray Takes Jab At BJP, Opposition INDIA Bloc Gears Up For Mumbai Meeting
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