In a heartwarming surprise, Shankaracharya Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati Maharaj, also known as Jagadguru, visited the Delhi residence of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Raghav Chadha and actress Parineeti Chopra on Saturday morning to bless the newlyweds. The couple, who tied the knot last year, conducted a pooja ceremony at their home under the guidance of the revered spiritual leader.
The visit, documented in pictures shared by Raghav Chadha’s office, showcased Swami Avimukteshwaranand, the 46th Shankaracharya of the Jyotish Peeth in Uttarakhand, presiding over the religious ceremony while offering blessings to Raghav, Parineeti, and their family.
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A traditional red-carpet welcome awaited Swami Avimukteshwaranand and other accompanying Hindu seers as they arrived, with Raghav and Parineeti bowing in reverence.
Raghav, a prominent politician, and Parineeti, a celebrated Bollywood actress, were married in a grand ceremony at Udaipur’s Leela Palace Hotel, attended by friends, family, and leading figures from both the entertainment and political worlds.
The couple’s recent exchange of affectionate posts on Instagram has kept fans engaged, including Raghav’s poetic birthday tribute to Parineeti, which garnered over 160,000 likes within hours.
Sharing her husband’s sentiments, Parineeti referred to him as a “gift from God” on her Instagram stories, where she wrote, “OMG. This man… Gift from God,” drawing more admiration from fans.
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