The Delhi High Court has issued a notice to Delhi Police, seeking a response to the petition filed by Ladakhi climate activist Sonam Wangchuk. Wangchuk, along with his companions, is demanding the inclusion of Ladakh in the Sixth Schedule and permission to hold a peaceful hunger strike at Jantar Mantar. The court will hear the case on October 22.
The Delhi Police refused Wangchuk’s request for the hunger strike, citing issues with the application. According to police, the petition did not specify the start or end dates of the protest. Despite this, Wangchuk has begun his hunger strike at Ladakh Bhawan.
Wangchuk accused the central government of failing to schedule a promised meeting. He stated that despite looking for a suitable place for their hunger strike, no location was provided.
He further added that the decision to strike at Ladakh Bhawan was taken after being denied permission for Jantar Mantar.
Wangchuk emphasized that he is not seeking support but welcomes those who understand the situation in Ladakh. “We need awareness about what’s happening in India and with Ladakh, and our rights,” Wangchuk said.
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