Bharat Express

Parijat Tripathi

Bharat Express News Network

Pakistan has almost qualified for the airport. Awaiting the dependent qualification for the semifinals did not turn into good luck. Were they really here to win?

Why should the deepfake controversy raise concerns about digital manipulation when AI is there and is accepted by the mod techno-savy world, why suddenly too much hullabaloo about it?

Of course, there is a difference between Chief Minister and Cheap Minister..If the Chief Minister apologizes after his 'sex-gyan' that would sound even more befooling. Doesn't he realize that he really has lost it? ..

Can the profession be given priority over other important things in life? Rather question is this: Should it be so? Will that do justice to life en toto? Is earning or boosting economy is the only vital thing in life for an individual?

Smile, you are in Delhi, the country’s burning sensation welcomes you. Breathe and feel the poison in the air. Do not sue the state government, they are too busy..

Pollution is poison and the National Capital & NCR area is full of poison all around. People here may be accustomed to it but they are not immortal..

As the BJP and Congress compete fiercely in these crucial states, it also sets the tone for the highly-anticipated 2024 Lok Sabha elections..

Though, it was a political strategy of the party to keep the leader safe from the lurking danger, but then what ultimately occurred was totally unexpected..

What's the most untouchable thing in India? Any guesses? -It's Reservation..and everyone from politics to people are the party to the crime..

Hunger for victory, active discipline on ground coupled with a patience to the max is what makes them a team with talent, efforts & success..