Bharat Express

(Express Editorial) No to Nitish Kumar! No to barbs! No to dirt!

Of course, there is a difference between Chief Minister and Cheap Minister..If the Chief Minister apologizes after his ‘sex-gyan’ that would sound even more befooling. Doesn’t he realize that he really has lost it? ..

Are you okay, Nitish Babu?

Are you okay, Nitish Babu?

It’s kind of too very unfortunate, never ever in the history of Indian legislative assembly any such thing has been heard. But this has happened.

This has happened in Bihar. The Chief Minister of Bihar is the one who uttered the un- utterable. The state assembly witnessed it, what a shame !

The row over CM Nitish Kumar’s statement on women’s education made many faces smile around him whereas lady MLAs sitting in the parliament were uncomfortable hearing his words.

Though there can be no support or acceptance to any such things, but supporting him, Deputy CM Tejaswi Yadav supported intellectual jungle-raj of Bihar. Now we know why B is the first letter of the BIMARU state narrative.

The state which is known for its talent and intellectual potential around the world, is embarrassed. The representing leader of the state has no control over his mind and tongue coordination.

The bizarre remarks  by CM Nitish Kumar in the state assembly was on population control. He went on and on in graphic detail over it triggering a huge controversy. Bharatiya Janata Pary calls it utterly “vulgar”.

Was the CM really underlining the need for girls’ education to check population growth? Or he was trying to amuse people sitting in the State Assembly? If this is the standard of amusement, what standard of a person is he?

If Nitish Kumar has such things in his mind, he needed to control that to reach to his tongue and then to the assembly. Now when he spoken out these things, shouldn’t he himself resign from the chair of the state CM?

Doesn’t he feel what he says is derogatory? That is derogatory to all women folks in Bihar in particular and India in general. But Nitish Kumar apparently does not seem to be ashamed of it.

Post the statement incident, the Bihar Chief Minister says in an interview, ‘If any one is hurt by what I said I am sorry about that!’. He still tries to justify himself which shows either he is not aware of what he says or he is not aware of what he means by what he says.

The unexpectedly absurd remark by Nitish has drawn flack from lady BJP MLAs. Gyatri Devi says, ‘He even said a word we can not utter..We will protest against it’.

”What Nitish Kumar said that has never been heard in Indian assembly..perhaps it is the most vulgar thing ever said by an Indian politician. It seems he is bitten by some Adult B-grade Film Bug,” this is what is the comment of a Bihar MLA itself. The seventy plus senior politician and Chief Minister of Bihar has nothing more remaining to hear after this.