Bharat Express

Astrology: Strong Venus Is Synonymous To Good Luck

It is auspicious to wear a diamond of one or two Ratti in a silver ring, on the Friday of Shuklapaksha, after consecrating it with Shukramantra in Bharani or Mrigashira Nakshatra, and wearing it in the middle finger..

Venus is the reason of beauty in the inner as well as outer personality

Venus is the reason of beauty in the inner as well as outer personality

As per Astrology, the presence of a strong Venus in the horoscope brings good luck to the individual.

An individual whose Venus is strong is simply considered to be prosperous with all means of enjoyment in life. On the other hand, when Venus is seen as weak on your astrological chart, life of the person remains devoid of glory.

Venus in the horoscope: It is said that if an individual has a strong Venus on his astro-chart, he is blessed with all means of enjoyment. Demons’ Guru Shukracharya has been considered a great devotee of Lord Shiva. He has Mritasanjivani Vidya. He is considered to be the master of beauty and divine qualities. The political knowledge of Venus is well-known.  He is also the author of a special book named Shukraneeti.

Talking about the planet Venus, it is considered as the source of all kinds of indulgences and luxuries. Venus is sacrificed in the evening. Pandit Jitendra Tiwari says that the defects of Venus, Rahu, Saturn, Mercury and Mars are removed.

The luck of a person affected by Venus is in the 25th to 28th year. Venus is considered the lord of Taurus and Libra. Women, business, wealth, jewelery and vehicle happiness are considered from Venus. Therefore, if Venus is strong in the horoscope, then there will be no dearth of such resources. On the other hand, when Venus is weak, the life of the person remains devoid of glory.

Astrological Introduction to Venus

While Venus has friendly relations with Mercury, Saturn, Rahu, it is hostile to Sun and Moon. Venus also creates many types of Raja-Yoga in the horoscope. In the horoscope of most of the people, the central Venus of Swarashi or exaltation forms Raja-Yoga is seenwhich can make a person from a rank to a king in his Dasha or Mahadasha. People dominated by Venus become wealthy because Venus is very dear to Deity of Wealth, Goddes Lakshmi. That’s why the day of Maa Lakshmi is also considered on the same day, i.e. Friday only.

What happens when venus is strong

If Venus is strong in the horoscope, then such people become teachers, government officials, writers, poets, editors, filmmakers, publishers, musicians and great artists. People with strong Venus are the owners of vehicles, have all the luxuries and are the owners of many properties too.

Ways for strengthening Venus

If Venus is weak in your horoscope, you can strengthen it with a few easy measures. Such people should bathe with water mixed with nutmeg, piparamool, saffron, cardamom and radish seeds. White clothes, silver, rice, milk, perfume and kheer etc. should be donated on Fridays. To strengthen the planet Venus, chanting of the mantra of planet Venus is very beneficial. In such a situation, the regular mantra of Venus – ‘Om Shun Shukray Namah’ can be chanted.

Get special benefits from gems

Some people are also advised to wear gems after an astrological study of the horoscope. It is auspicious to wear a diamond of one or two Ratti in a silver ring, on the Friday of Shuklapaksha, after consecrating it with Shukramantra in Bharani or Mrigashira Nakshatra, and wearing it in the middle finger.