Bharat Express

Imperishable Indian Army And Perishing Symbols of Slavery

Imperishable Indian Army : The campaign to remove the symbols of slavery from the Indian Army should be wholeheartedly welcomed. Two hundred years of British rule ended in 1947, but its cultural, linguistic and educational rule is still largely intact in India..

Indian Army is one of the best armies in the world

The campaign to remove the symbols of slavery from the Indian Army should be wholeheartedly welcomed

Imperishable Indian Army: The campaign to remove the symbols of slavery from the Indian Army should be wholeheartedly welcomed. Two hundred years of British rule ended in 1947, but its cultural, linguistic and educational rule is still largely intact in India.

Imperishable Indian Army: The party, that is, the Congress, which kept claiming to get freedom for India, accepted the political freedom given by the British, but what it had to do itself, that is to remove slavery from every region of the country, its contribution was very lax.

Imperishable Indian Army:  Now the BJP government is also working on the responsibility to some extent. If BJP leaders are with clear understanding of that slavery, then they can begin an entirely subjugation-free campaign during this Amrit Mahotsav year itself. For now a symbol of subordination in our Indian army has been removed with the release of aircraft carrier INS Vikrant into the sea.

Shivaji is our own symbol of bravery

The  St. George symbol on that ship has been removed and replaced by our own symbol of Shivaji. Here this is not limited to the symbols only. The names of Indian army units which were in the name of castes, should also be changed right away. The British rulers frightened by the Indian freedom struggle of the year1857, had started tricks with the conspiracy  of dividing we Indians into castes, this casteist trick was also a big conspiracy among them. The shrewd Britishers had also named our villages and cities after British officers.

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British style is still seen in our army

The Congress governments have changed some names of the roads, but the British style is still going on in our army. There are hundreds of army manuals printed in English converted into Hindi so that ordinary soldiers could understand them. At present, there are one hundred fifty such rules, names, rewards, traditions, customs and methods in the army, which need to be Indianized.