Treasure Hunter Family
Following a man’s world-record gold find in Norway using a metal detector, a local family used the same tool to make an additional historic find. The family was looking for a misplaced earring in their yard when they discovered ancient artifacts instead. The small search of earring turned into a real treasure hunt for this Norwayan family
The Treasure hunt
The Aasvik family reportedly unearthed a buckle in the form of a bowl and another object that appeared to be buried during the Viking age, says media reports. The artifacts, according to experts, were used to bury a woman on the tiny island of Jomfruland in the ninth century. The find was made in the family’s garden on the island off the south coast of Norway, below a big tree.
“We congratulate the family who found the first safe Viking-time find at Jomfruland,” the Cultural Heritage of Vestfold and Telemark County Council wrote in a Facebook post. According to Live Science, the recent discovery of what appears to be the grave of an affluent Viking woman raises the possibility that the cairns were actually built by Vikings.
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The artifact
According to Vibeke Lia, an archaeologist from the Vestfold and Telemark County Council, the bigger artifact discovered in the grave is an oval-shaped brooch that would have been used by a woman wearing a halter dress to secure the shoulder straps in the front. According to the news source, these brooches were frequently discovered in the graves of Viking women, and their design was typical of the ninth century.
“They come in pairs, one for each strap, so there should be another one there,” she said.
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