Bharat Express

Viral Post Raises Questions About Putin’s Health: What’s Happening In Ukraine?

Most of these speculations have turned out to be unsubstantiated, as Russia has not officially released any statement about Putin’s health.

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s health has been a topic of speculation, especially since the start of the Ukraine invasion last year. Various instances of conjecture regarding Putin’s health have garnered significant media attention and sparked discussions about the future of Russia’s leadership. Most of these speculations have turned out to be unsubstantiated, as Russia has not officially released any statement about Putin’s health. However, a recent social media post is once again fueling concerns about Putin’s well-being.

The post, originally shared on Telegram by a blogger named Pozdnyakov, features a picture of Putin accompanied by the text: “God, don’t you leave us. Pray to God you are alive and healthy.”

This cryptic message has triggered a flurry of discussions on social media platforms, with users expressing curiosity about Putin’s condition. However, no official statement has been issued by the Russian government to address these concerns.

Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, also shared the post on X (formerly Twitter) and asked, “What is going on?”

Gerashchenko’s post has generated numerous comments from users on X, with some speculating about potential political implications.

While rumors about Putin’s health are not new, earlier this year, a report in Metro claimed that the Russian President was experiencing “severe pain in his head, blurred vision, and numbness of the tongue.” These claims were attributed to the General SVR Telegram channel, a Russian outlet known for making statements about Putin’s health.