Bharat Express

UNGA High-Level Session To Be Addressed On September 26 Without PM Modi

The UNGA high-level week will begin just days after the G20 Leaders’ Summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

As per the most recent provisional list of speakers released by the UN, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not attend the annual UN General Assembly session later this month, and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar will address the high-level week.

The high-level General Debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly will begin on September 19, with Brazil as the session’s usual first speaker, followed by the United States.

Jaishankar will address the General Debate on the morning of September 26, the last day of the high-level week.

The first provisional list of speakers included India’s ‘Head of Government’ (HG) who addressed the session in the afternoon on September 22.

On June 21, nine years after proposing from the UN General Assembly podium to celebrate International Yoga Day as an annual commemoration, Modi appeared at the UN Headquarters to conduct a yoga session in a historic remembrance of the day.

Modi had traveled from New York to Washington DC for his first State Visit, which was hosted by US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden.

The high-level session, which is considered the busiest diplomatic season of the year at the United Nations Headquarters, begins in September.

The 78th session of the General Assembly will begin on September 5, 2023.

Among the important events of the high-level week will be the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit, the Climate Ambitions Summit, and the General Debate.

The SDG Summit 2023 will be held on September 18-19, 2023.

It will usher in a new age of accelerated progress toward the SDGs, with high-level political advice on transformative and accelerated initiatives running up to 2030.

On the first day of the General Debate, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to address the high-level session. On September 23, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will speak.

The UNGA high-level week will begin just days after the G20 Leaders’ Summit, which will be held in New Delhi on September 9-10 under India’s Presidency.

World leaders, including US President Biden, will attend the high-powered summit.

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