Bharat Express

Trump Revives ‘America First’ Agenda, Threatens Impact On India With High Tariffs And Manufacturing Policies

Donald Trump, reaffirming his ‘America First’ stance, has vowed to implement high tariffs and revitalize domestic manufacturing if re-elected.

Trump Revives 'America First' Agenda, Threatens Impact On India

Former US President Donald Trump, reaffirming his ‘America First’ stance, has vowed to implement high tariffs and revitalize domestic manufacturing if re-elected, a move that could have significant repercussions for India.

Speaking at the Economic Club of New York on Thursday, Trump outlined his plans to bolster American industry by enforcing high tariffs and promoting 100% domestic defense manufacturing. This policy could directly affect collaborative defense projects between the US and India, including the joint development of F-414 jet engines and other manufacturing partnerships.

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“We want an industrial base that can meet our defense needs entirely within the US,” Trump declared. “You can label it however you like—economic nationalism or otherwise—but I call it common sense. I call it America First.”

Trump criticized the current model of international distributed manufacturing, such as that used in producing F-35 stealth fighter jets, which involves parts sourced from multiple countries. He described this approach as a risk to US national security, advocating for a complete shift to domestic production.

Global Manufacturing Networks

While Trump’s proposal could disrupt joint defense projects with India, it also poses challenges to global manufacturing networks, including those of companies like Apple, which have shifted production to India in response to tensions with China.

In his address, Trump also announced plans to appoint Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, to lead a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a comprehensive audit of federal operations to identify cost-saving measures. Despite this, Trump proposed ending electric vehicle mandates, a sector where Musk has considerable investments, and focusing on deregulating business activities to spur economic growth.

Trump pledged to transform the US into a “manufacturing superpower” and make it a global leader in cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. He criticized the current administration’s policies, particularly under Vice President Kamala Harris, and proposed rolling back green energy mandates and fossil fuel restrictions, citing energy production as a key factor in combating inflation.

Economic Strategy

His economic strategy includes raising tariffs to address the national deficit and reduce the impact of tax cuts. Trump aims to use increased tariff revenue to create a sovereign wealth fund similar to those in countries like Singapore, investing in infrastructure and industries to reduce national debt.

Despite his criticism of China, Trump referred to President Xi Jinping as a “dear, dear friend” and praised his intelligence and fierceness. Trump expressed optimism about improving relations with China and other nations, emphasizing the importance of global diplomacy due to nuclear threats.

Trump’s policy proposals, including threats to halt defense manufacturing abroad and implement broad tariff hikes, face skepticism regarding their effectiveness given complex geopolitical alliances and supply chain dependencies. During his previous term, Trump’s trade policies, such as increased duties on steel and aluminum and the revocation of the Generalized System of Preferences for some Indian exports, led to retaliatory tariffs from India.

As Trump campaigns for a return to the White House, his policies and rhetoric are likely to continue shaping discussions on international trade and defense partnerships.