Bharat Express

Taiwan Earthquake: Over 1,000 Injured 42 Missing, Search and Rescue Efforts Intensify

Despite its epicenter being in eastern Taiwan, the capital Taipei also experienced significant tremors.

The aftermath of the powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake in eastern Taiwan has seen a surge in injuries, surpassing 1,000 individuals, while the death toll remains stable at nine. Among the concerns are the 42 workers who were en route to a hotel in a national park and are currently missing.

The earthquake, described as the strongest in 25 years, struck on Wednesday morning, catching many off guard as they prepared for their daily routines in the predominantly rural and thinly populated Hualien county.

Despite its epicenter being in eastern Taiwan, the capital Taipei also experienced significant tremors, albeit with minimal damage and disruption. Taiwan’s fire department has reported over 1,000 injuries and a total of 48 individuals missing, with the majority being the 42 hotel employees.

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Efforts to locate the missing workers are underway, with authorities focusing on deploying drones and helicopters to search the area, including the Taroko Gorge National Park. Meanwhile, those who were trapped are gradually being rescued, including six individuals retrieved from a mining area by helicopter.

Despite the challenges, there have been some positive developments. The railway line to Hualien reopened ahead of schedule, although a rural station north of the city remains closed due to quake damage. In Hualien City, where rescue operations have concluded, some residents have opted to sleep outdoors due to ongoing aftershocks.

One resident, Ms. Yu, 52, sought refuge in a temporary shelter, expressing fear of sleeping in her damaged apartment. “The aftershocks were terrifying. It’s nonstop. I do not dare to sleep in the house,” she remarked, echoing the sentiments of many in the quake-affected areas.