Bharat Express

Story Of Jerusalem: From Prophet Muhammad To Jesus Christ… Claim Of Three Religions At One Place

The mosque is situated on a hill known to Jews as the Temple Mount or Haram al-Sharif. On the international level, Muslims refer to it as Al-Haram Al-Sharif or the Noble Sanctuary.

Story Of Jerusalem

Story Of Jerusalem

Israel Hamas war: Nearly 1,000 people have been killed in the barbaric attacks by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas and Israel’s retaliatory actions. On Saturday, Hamas suddenly fired about 5,000 rockets into Israeli cities and villages. The fighters of the terrorist group have also captured Israeli civilians and soldiers. While responding, Israel has turned Gaza Strip into a virtual graveyard. Israel has begun systematically targeting Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip. Moreover, the entry of essential supplies into Gaza has also been blocked. Hamas fighters are now desperate for food and water. The entire city has also had its electricity cut off. According to a report, the group’s military commander, Muhammad Deif, said in a recorded message, “Today, people are once again achieving their revolution.” But did you know that the root of the decades-long conflict between the two countries lies in a 35-acre piece of land on which three religions stake their claims?

Why is Al-Aqsa Mosque important for Muslims?

Al-Aqsa Mosque is considered crucial for Muslims after Mecca and Medina. The mosque is situated on a hill known to Jews as the Temple Mount or Haram al-Sharif. On the international level, Muslims refer to it as Al-Haram Al-Sharif or the Noble Sanctuary. According to a Reuters report, this place is located in the old city of Jerusalem. Not only that, besides the mosque, there is another holy place for Muslims called the Dome of the Rock. You may have seen it shining in pictures. Believers of Islam say that in the year 621, the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven from this place. During the time of the Byzantine Empire, Muslims attacked Jews and conquered this place. Later, during the rule of the Umayyad caliphs, a magnificent mosque was built here.

Why is the Temple Mount special for Jews?

In Judaism, it is believed that the first human in the world was Adam, and we are all his descendants. Adam was created from the earth, and it is believed that the earth was taken from the Temple Mount. Jews also believe that God was very pleased with Abraham, their first prophet, and that God chose to take soil from this place to create Adam. Not only that, Jews believe that God was pleased with Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac. For this, God told Abraham a specific place. When Abraham reached the place that God had shown him, God was very pleased with his devotion. They had to offer a ram instead of Isaac. Jews believe that this event took place on the Temple Mount. King Solomon of Israel built a grand temple here, which is known as the First Temple for Jews.

What is the dispute about?

Now, when the same place is sacred for all three religions and their beliefs are associated with it, conflict is inevitable. Jews and Muslims have fought several times over this mosque and the Temple Mount. However, the control of the area has mostly been with the Christians. Christians also believe that Jesus Christ delivered his teachings here and was crucified here. Christians also believe that Jesus Christ will return here. Christians have destroyed Jewish temples several times. This 35-acre area has been under the control of Jews, Muslims, or Christian rulers at different times. After the wars, only one wall remains in the area, known as the Western Wall.

This is considered one of the holiest places of prayer for Jews. It is said that the construction of the first temple took place 3,000 years ago, built by King Solomon, according to the Bible. When Israel was established in 1948 after World War II, the United Nations oversaw the partition resolution. An area was designated for Jews and Muslims. However, Muslims were not ready for it. Now, Jews can enter the mosque, but there are restrictions on worship.

Muslim-Jewish Agreement

A third country, Jordan, was entrusted with the responsibility of managing Haram al-Sharif, or the Temple Mount. It was also agreed that Muslims would allow Jews to visit the Temple Mount from outside. However, they are not allowed to perform prayers there. This situation continues to be contentious.

How did Al-Aqsa Mosque become the focal point of Israeli-Palestinian tensions?

Due to the conflicts related to the mosque, tension has always existed between Israel and Gaza. According to a report by The New York Times, in 2021, more than 200 Palestinians and 10 Israelis were killed in clashes that lasted for 10 days due to conflicts between the two sides. In April of this year, Israeli police officers fought with Palestinians, resulting in gunfire across the border. Reuters reported that more than 350 people were arrested and removed from the premises a few hours later. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, said, “The attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque by Israel, its attack on worshippers, is a slap in the face for the recent American efforts to create peace and stability during the month of Ramadan.”