Bharat Express

Rishi Sunak And Keir Starmer Spar In Election Debate

Sunak has made several headline-grabbing promises in the early days of the campaign as he seeks to shore up his right-wing base while also regaining Labour support

Rishi Sunak And Keir Starmer

Rishi Sunak And Keir Starmer

On Tuesday, Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour opposition leader Keir Starmer will face off in the UK general election campaign’s first televised debate.

At 9:00 p.m. (2000 GMT), Sunak and the man largely favoured to succeed him in Downing Street after the July 4 election will engage in an hour-long spar in front of a studio audience.

For Sunak, it is an excellent opportunity to try to reduce Labour’s huge lead in the polls, which has been stable since he unexpectedly called the election nearly two weeks ago.

Labour has had double-digit leads in the voter surveys for almost 18 months, as Britons appear to have grown tired of the Conservatives after 14 years of rule.

Sunak has made several headline-grabbing promises in the early days of the campaign as he seeks to shore up his right-wing base while also regaining Labour support.

If elected, he has indicated he would bring back a form of national service for 18-year-olds, give stronger security for pensioners’ incomes and amend Britain’s equality law so that biological sex alone would determine who could use single-sex spaces.

Keir Starmer has been playing it much safer, attempting to convince supporters that Labour will responsibly manage the economy and Britain’s defence as the centre-left party strives to maintain its lead.

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