Bharat Express

Pakistan Church Fire: Muslim Fundamentalists Burn Church In Pakistan, Allegations Of Disrespect Against Christian Family, Minorities In Fear

The recent incident occurred in Jaranwala, Faisalabad, where Islamic extremists set fire to a church.


Attack On Church In Pakistan: Incidents of violence and persecution against non-Muslim individuals in Pakistan are a recurring concern. The recent incident occurred in Jaranwala, Faisalabad, where Islamic extremists set fire to a church. According to information from Pakistani media, on Wednesday, in the name of blasphemy, an enraged mob set the church ablaze.

Christian Community Seeks Security

Bishop Marshall of Pakistan expressed his distress on social media, stating his deep sorrow that churches are being burnt in Pakistan and the Bible is being disrespected. He wrote on social networking site X (formerly Twitter), “As I write this, words fail me. We, the bishops, priests, and common people are deeply saddened and anguished by the incident in Jaranwala, Faisalabad district of Pakistan. As I type this message, a church building is being set on fire. The Bible is being disrespected, and false accusations of violating the holy Quran are being made against Christians, and they are being persecuted.”

Bishop Marshall has appealed to the world for security and justice. He said, “We demand justice and action from those responsible for enforcing the law and providing justice, and we urge immediate intervention for the safety of all citizens.”

Pakistan and Extremism

Pakistan’s birth was heavily influenced by religious polarization. The sole reason for its existence in 1947 was rooted in communal ideology. This is why during the partition, while minorities constituted around 23% of the population, they now make up only about 3%, including Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, and Parsis.

Officially, Pakistan declared itself an Islamic nation in 1973, underpinned by religious law. The constitution states that the state religion is Islam, and as per Article 41(2), only a Muslim can become the President. Additionally, according to Article 91, the Prime Minister must also be a Muslim. Amendments under General Zia-ul-Haq’s regime in the 1980s introduced many changes, further incorporating Sharia law.

Enlightened Muslims Condemn Persecution of Minorities

Overall, Pakistan bears the burden of extremism under the guise of Islamic doctrine, with not only minorities but also progressive-minded individuals suffering. The recent incident of the church burning in Faisalabad has drawn condemnation from enlightened segments of the Muslim community. Many individuals are expressing shame on social media, grieving the fact that future generations might be influenced by these extremists.

Daily Atrocities Against Hindus

In Pakistan, although minorities are numerically marginalized, those who remain live under constant fear. Hindus and Sikhs have largely disappeared from Punjab, while remaining Hindus in Sindh province continue to face persecution. Reports of abductions of girls from minority communities and forced religious conversions, often involving coerced marriages, make headlines. Despite this, some thoughtful individuals in Pakistan are protesting the church burning incident, displaying their shame at the global level.

Country’s Instability Amid Political Unrest

Currently, Pakistan is also grappling with political instability. Nevertheless, it can be argued that religious groups are to a large extent responsible for this instability. The influence of Islamic extremism often leads the country to focus on others’ issues before addressing its own destiny, whether it’s about Osama bin Laden or Palestine.