Bharat Express

North Korea Displays Drones And Ballistic Missiles During Night-Time Parade

The Chinese and Russian delegations, led by Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, were the first to visit North Korea since the outbreak of COVID-19


Nuclear-capable missiles and sophisticated attack drones were among the armaments shown in Pyongyang on Friday for leader Kim Jong Un and visiting delegations from China and Russia.

The parade was held on Thursday night to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, known as ‘Victory Day’ in North Korea.

The Chinese and Russian delegations, including Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, were the first to visit North Korea since the outbreak of COVID-19.

Their presence at events alongside the North’s nuclear missiles, which were banned by the United Nations Security Council with the support of China and Russia, marked a departure from previous years when Beijing and Moscow took steps to distance themselves from their neighbor’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile development.

According to state news agency KCNA, the parade included North Korea’s latest Hwasong-17 and Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missiles, which are thought to have the range to reach targets anywhere in the United States.

A flyover by the new attack and espionage drones was also part of the ceremony.

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