Bharat Express

Truss Lost Trust: New UK PM arriving on Monday

UK Political Crisis stretches on. With the resignation of six weeks’ PM, the UK is going to decide its new prime minister face on Monday.

The forty-seven years old Liz Truss quit only after forty-four days in the office. Truss, thus, is going to become the shortest-ruling prime minister in the history of Britain.

The dramatic change has stunned the denizens of Britain with their new Prime Minister Liz Truss’s announcement of resignation remaining in the office for only six weeks.

While meeting the media in Downing Street, the UK PM held that she is going to remain the prime minister until a Tory leader is chosen as the successor.

Now the political pundits are speculating about the return of Boris Johnson and they also do not rule out the possibility of Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt possibility as PM candidates.

The process following Truss’ resignation has begun to find a new UK PM. Media reports state the names of Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt as  the likely contenders, whereas Boris Johnson is also seen in the PM’s race.

