Bharat Express

Hamas Launches Rockets At Tel Aviv Following Israeli Strikes On Gaza Civilians

At least seven dead bodies and six wrecked buildings were seen

Tel Aviv

The Palestinian group stated that Hamas militants fired a volley of rockets at Tel Aviv on Thursday in response to Israeli air strikes that targeted civilians in two Gaza refugee camps.

“Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades fired rockets at Tel Aviv in response to (Israeli strikes) targeting civilians in Al-Shati and Jabalia camps”, Hamas’ military wing claimed.

On Thursday morning, correspondents witnessed dozens of air strikes in the vicinity of the Al-Shati camp and the blockaded strip’s north.

Iyad al-Buzum, the spokesman for the Hamas interior ministry, stated, “The occupation (Israeli forces) committed massacres this morning in Al-Shati camp and Jabalia camp, leaving dozens of martyrs and injured”.

At least seven dead bodies and six wrecked buildings were seen by journalists in the Al-Shati camp.

Israel has unleashed a ferocious air campaign against Hamas militants in the blockaded Gaza Strip, following a catastrophic attack on Israel on Saturday that killed over 1,200 people.

According to Hamas officials, Israeli air strikes have killed over 1,200 in the Palestinian coastal enclave.

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