Bharat Express

Former Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi Dies At The Age Of 86; Catch The Glimpse Of His Life HERE

It is assumed that Mr. Berlusconi’s death will affect Italian politics in next few months. Though it is a fact that he himself did not have much role in government.

Silvio Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian Prime Minister

Silvio Berlusconi, the former Prime Minister of Italy died at the age of 86. He was a billionaire businessman who created the biggest media company of Italy prior to his entry in the world of politics.

Matteo Salvini, the deputy Prime Minster of Italy called him “a great man and a great Italian” while he mourns Mr. Silvio’s passing away. Also, Guido Crosetto, defense minister of Italy took it to twitter and said, “Berlusconi’s death amounted to the end of an era. I loved him very much. Farewell Silvio.”

Loss of Silvio Berlusconi might affect Italian politics

Mr. Silvio served as a Prime Minister during 1994-1995, 2001-2006 and 2008-2011.  He had recently developed a lung infection. In addition to this he was suffering from leukaemia.

His political party, Forza Italia has its role in Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing coalition. It is assumed that Mr. Berlusconi’s death will affect Italian politics in next few months. Though it is a fact that he himself did not have much role in government.

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 Silvio Berlusconi’s life highlighted

In 1978, he Founded the Fininvest holding company which comprised media, financial services, publishing. After his success in that field, he created “Forza Italia” (Go Italy) movement, which won legislative elections, giving him his first tenure of Prime Minister.  His next tenure as Prime minister started in 2001 after his right-wing alliance wins the general election, serving for five years. He returned as a Prime minster in 2011 again but resigned in middle of national financial crisis that risked bringing down the entire eurozone. After that, his life showed a downward graph and he faced charges in Italian court of law. While his life bounced back to pace in 2019 when he won a seat in the European Parliament, becoming the assembly’s oldest MEP at age 82.