Bharat Express

China Declares To Inspect Ships In Taiwan Strait, US Calls For Restraint

China has encircled Taiwan completely with 9 Warships and 71 Fighter aircraft announcing it to be a “Military Exercise”


Taiwan Strait

With no near end to the Ukraine war, now inching closer towards possible World War, China has encircled Taiwan completely with 9 Warships and 71 Fighter aircraft announcing it to be a “Military Exercise”. The move is in retaliation to Taiwan President’s Tsai Ing-wen stopover in America to meet Speaker Kevin McCarthy that China had warned against.

This is the largest military exercise of China after the August 2022 retaliation on previous Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit. However this time the Chinese have crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait the defacto unofficial border.

In a clear threat signal, they have also announced they will inspect ships that Taiwan has protested. The largest Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong is a part of the encirclement. It is possible that after President Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia in a clear show of support and Finland declaring it has joined NATO, the Chinese retaliation as Russia’s support. China has termed the military exercise as a “stern warning” to the Island’s Govt. Taiwan has condemned it while the US has called for restraint.

Chinese PLA spokesman Shi Yin stated the 3-day exercise named “United Sharp Sword” will send planes, ships and personnel into the maritime areas of the Taiwan Strait, off the Northern and Southern coasts and to the East. Chinese broadcaster CCTV report said- “the taskforce will simultaneously organize patrols and advances around Taiwan island shaping an all-round encirclement and deterrence posture.

US Foreign Affairs Chairman says sending American Troops is ‘on the table’

3 hours ago, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael Mccaul stated they can send American troops to Taiwan, but stated that it is the last resort if China invades Taiwan. There are 32 military bases near Taiwan and the South China Sea with Okinawa Island being the largest US base in the region. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz is already sailing about 600 km from the Chinese Shandong carrier.

As of now, there has been no US response to the first-ever Chinese declaration that they will inspect ships sailing to and from Taiwan during the exercise. Completely encircled Taiwan has protested strongly and deployed Coast Guard ships. But after the Afghanistan withdrawal under President Joe Biden and Ukraine war continuing, the Chinese have possibly assessed that the US is vulnerable and weak. The visit of Taiwan’s President to the US has given China an excuse to test America’s resolve.