Bharat Express

China Appreciates Taiwan’s Decision To Sever Ties With Island Nation

The announcement came just days after Taiwan elected the independence-leaning Lai Ching-te as its new president


Tien Chung Kwang

China said on Monday it supported Nauru’s decision to cut ties with Taiwan, following the Pacific island nation’s announcement that it would do so.

A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said, “As a sovereign and independent nation, Nauru has announced… that it has severed its so-called ‘diplomatic relations’ with Taiwan and is willing to restore relations with China”.

“China appreciates and welcomes the Nauru government’s decision”, the spokesperson continued.

Beijing considers self-ruled Taiwan to be part of its territory and has not ruled out using force to reclaim it in the future.

It does not maintain diplomatic relations with countries that recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation.

Tien Chung Kwang, Taiwan’s deputy foreign minister said, “There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of it”.

“The Nauru government’s decision to resume diplomatic ties with China fully demonstrates once again that the One China Principle reflects the sentiments of the people and is in line with the general trend”, Tien Chung-Kwang said.

“China is willing to open a new chapter in bilateral ties with Nauru based on (this) principle”, Tien Chung-Kwang added.

The announcement came just days after Taiwan elected the independence-leaning Lai Ching-te as its new president.

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