Bharat Express

Biden To Propose Supreme Court Reforms, Including Term Limits And Ethics Code

Joe Biden plans to unveil a major proposal on Monday aimed at reforming the Supreme Court, according to media reports.

Biden To Propose Supreme Court Reforms

In a significant move expected to reshape the landscape of the U.S. judiciary, President Joe Biden plans to unveil a major proposal on Monday aimed at reforming the Supreme Court, according to media reports.

The proposal is anticipated to include key measures such as instituting term limits for Supreme Court justices and implementing a binding code of ethics. Additionally, Biden is expected to advocate for a constitutional amendment to limit presidential immunity and hold certain other officials accountable, as reported by Politico.

This initiative follows the Supreme Court’s July 1 ruling, which concluded that presidents cannot be prosecuted for “official acts” performed while in office—a decision linked to the legal proceedings involving former President Donald Trump.

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Biden has recently intensified his criticism of the Supreme Court, particularly targeting its conservative majority over decisions that have rolled back federal abortion rights and impacted other critical areas of his administration’s agenda.

The proposed reforms would likely require new legislation to be enacted. However, with Congress currently divided—Republicans controlling the House and Democrats holding a narrow majority in the Senate—there is little expectation that these issues will be addressed before the end of the year. Even if Democrats gain control of both chambers in the upcoming elections, overcoming a filibuster would still require 60 Senate votes, a challenging threshold to meet.

As Biden pushes for these changes, the debate over the future of the Supreme Court is set to continue, highlighting deep partisan divides and raising questions about the potential for significant judicial reforms.