Bharat Express

Biden Admin Officials Applaud Ambassador Taranjit Singh For Strengthening India-US Ties

Senior officials from the Biden administration expressed gratitude during ambassador Taranjit Singh’s farewell reception.

Commending Taranjit Singh Sandhu, who served as an ambassador of India to the United States, for his pivotal role in strengthening the India-US relationship, senior officials from the Biden administration expressed gratitude during a farewell reception on Monday.

Dr. Rahul Gupta, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in the White House, applauded Sandhu’s leadership, stating that he has laid the groundwork for numerous opportunities to flourish in the bilateral ties. Sandhu, who retires from the foreign service after more than three decades of glorious career later this month, was honoured at the India House with attendees from the Biden administration and the think-tank community.

Addressing the gathering, Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, praised Sandhu’s exceptional activity, creativity, and continuous efforts to strengthen the relationship. She acknowledged his significant contributions, noting the remarkable progress achieved during his tenure.

Frank Kendall, the US Secretary of the Airforce Speaker, acknowledged Sandhu’s key role in enhancing the relationship and highlighted the maturity of the Indo-US ties. Sandhu himself reflected on the matured state of the relationship, likening it to a well-tended garden that continues to bloom despite challenges. He emphasized the growth, maturation, and blossoming of the ties, quoting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s sentiments on the endless scope and limitless potential of cooperation between the two nations.

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