Bharat Express

Amid Tensions, Joe Biden Says He Still Plans To Meet With Chinese President Xi

China has condemned the actions as a violation of free-trade norms


Joe Biden with Xi Jinping

Despite a series of jabs at China, US President Joe Biden said Friday that he intends to see Chinese President Xi Jinping later this year.

Biden met Xi for the first time as president in November 2022 in Bali, where they vowed to work together to moderate heightened tensions between the world’s two greatest economies.

After meeting with the presidents of Japan and South Korea, Biden responded, “I expect and hope to follow up on our conversation in Bali this autumn, that’s my expectation”.

Biden has invited Xi to attend a summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group, which includes China, in November in San Francisco.

The two presidents could also meet next month in New Delhi on the fringes of a Group of 20 major economies gathering.

Despite a string of words and actions that have irked China, Biden remains confident in a meeting with Xi, whom he met extensively while they were both vice presidents.

Biden, emphasizing the strength of the US economy as he enters election season, claimed earlier this month that China was a ticking time bomb owing to economic problems.

In June, Biden referred to Xi as a dictator, remarks that were condemned by China and came on the heels of Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Beijing, the highest-ranking US official to visit China in nearly five years.

After previously prohibiting shipments of advanced microchips, Biden has now banned US investment in sensitive high-tech areas in China.

China has condemned the actions as a violation of free-trade norms. The Biden administration has replied by stating that it is ensuring US security.

China has also condemned the three-way conference between Biden and the leaders of South Korea and Japan, which marked a significant step towards reconciliation between the two US allies, who have been at odds for decades over conflicts related to wartime history.

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