Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed officials to ensure all roads in Uttar Pradesh are pothole-free by October 10. This initiative comes as the state prepares for upcoming festivals like Shardiya Navratri, Dussehra, and Diwali. During a meeting on Tuesday, the Chief Minister emphasized the need for high-quality road repairs, noting the increased traffic and foreign tourists during festival periods.
Adityanath highlighted the importance of using the FDR method for road construction to save resources and improve quality. He instructed the Mandi Parishad to prioritize farmers’ needs, stating that they are the largest consumers of roads. The Chief Minister also mandated that the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) refrain from collecting tolls until highway construction is complete.
He assured that sufficient funds are available for road improvements and called for better planning from all departments. The CM directed that road construction contractors must maintain roads for five years post-completion, with clear accountability measures in place.
The Chief Minister urged departments to adopt mechanized approaches for road repairs and ensure adequate equipment is available. He emphasized the need for proper repairs following the installation of sewer lines and pipelines to prevent accidents. Additionally, he proposed constructing tabletop breakers to enhance road safety.
To monitor the ongoing Pothole Mukti Abhiyan, Adityanath recommended geo-tagging linked to the PM Gatishakti portal and establishing a dedicated portal for quality oversight. He also instructed that smart roads be developed in key urban areas, complete with uniform facade lighting.
The CM reiterated the importance of providing essential services in new colonies before they are handed over, to facilitate smooth urban development across the state.
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