Bharat Express

You Might Be Suffering From Alpha-Gal Syndrome That Can Cause Lethal Meat Allergy; Read The Symptoms To Know

The CDC describes Alpha-gal syndrome as a dangerous and “potentially life-threatening allergic condition”. Alpha-gal allergy, a red meat allergy, and a tick-bite meat allergy are additional names for AGS.

Meat allergy

Meat allergy

More than 110,000 suspected cases of the illness known as alpha-gal, which is brought on by tick bites, were found between 2010 and 2022. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued two new findings on Thursday that showed an increase in the number of cases of alpha-gal syndrome, with an estimated 450,000 Americans suffering from the ailment. Red meat, which includes the meat of cows, deer, pigs, and goats, can cause allergic reactions in people who have the tick-borne sickness known as alpha-gal syndrome. The meat allergy may pose a serious threat to life.

“Alpha-gal syndrome is an important emerging public health problem, with potentially severe health impacts that can last a lifetime for some patients,” said Dr Ann Carpenter, epidemiologist and lead author of one of the papers.

“It’s critical for clinicians to be aware of AGS so they can properly evaluate, diagnose, and manage their patients and also educate them on tick-bite prevention to protect patients from developing this allergic condition.”

Although persons with meat allergy have detailed their experiences and said they were unaware that it may be related to food, health officials have stated that they are not aware of any proven deaths due to alpha-gal at this time. “I never connected it with any food because it was hours after eating,” said one patient, Bernadine Heller-Greenman.

What is this meat allergy syndrome?

The CDC describes Alpha-gal syndrome as a dangerous and “potentially life-threatening allergic condition”. Alpha-gal allergy, a red meat allergy, and a tick-bite meat allergy are additional names for AGS.

When ticks—typically the lone star tick—feed on mammals, alpha-gal enters their saliva and can then be spread to humans through a tick bite.

Alpha-gal is recognised by the body as a foreign intruder when it is infected, and the body produces antibodies that cause the immune system to develop an allergy to it. After swallowing something that contains alpha-gal, an infected individual may become severely ill.

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Symptoms of AGS?

According to reports, symptoms frequently start to show two to six hours after consuming meat, dairy, or being exposed to goods that could contain alpha-gal.

AGS responses can vary from moderate to severe or even life-threatening from person to person.

According to the CDC, some reactions can include:

  • Hives or an itchy rash
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Heartburn or indigestion
  • Diarrhoea
  • Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • A drop in blood pressure
  • Swelling of the lips, throat tongue or eyelids
  • Feeling dizzy or faint
  • Severe stomach pain