WhatsApp has been the go-to platform for everyone when it comes to sharing pictures, documents or anything for that matter. But users have been complaining about the quality of images which are shared over the Instant Messaging App. So, WhatsApp has come up with an update resolving the issue. The Meta Owned Application has been updated so that HD (High Definition) images can be shared on the platform.
As per the information, the update will be available for downloading in the next few weeks. The update will allow the users of the application to finally share the pictures without downgrading the image quality. WhatsApp users will be able to send higher resolution images on Android, iOS and web. A little icon will be visible to the recipients, letting them know which photographs are of superior quality.
Also Read: WhatsApp Rolls Out Screen Sharing Feature: Know Do’s and Don’ts
The option only appears if you choose a high-resolution image, according to sources, who covered the feature in Beta earlier this year.
Although the image’s proportions will be preserved, light compression will still be used. Additionally, since Standard quality is the default, users will need to choose HD quality each time from the menu.
Also Read: Use WhatsApp Hands Free: Messaging App Announces Support To Wear OS Smart Watches
When you transmit a higher-resolution photo, it is automatically tagged, and a symbol denoting the image’s quality is displayed in the message bubble.
The function is only available for photos exchanged within discussions. Additionally, HD photographs cannot be used for status updates. According to Meta, support for HD videos will be available soon.
WhatsApp is definitely going to solve a major issue that is faced by many users. Currently, they have to share the images using various tricks like changing the format of the image to PDF. Also, many users tend to avoid WhatsApp to share their images.
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