Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested by French police on Saturday evening at Le Bourget Airport. Often referred to as “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg,” Durov was detained on multiple charges, including the alleged facilitation of criminal activity through Telegram, a messaging app with around 900 million active users. Interestingly, Durov wasn’t alone at the time of his arrest. Reports indicate that a mysterious woman, believed to be his girlfriend, was also taken into custody alongside him.
The woman in question has been identified as Juli Vavilova, a 24-year-old crypto coach and streamer based in Dubai. Vavilova, who has over 20,000 followers on Instagram, describes herself as a gamer with interests in crypto, languages, and mindset development. Fluent in English, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic, Vavilova’s social media presence highlights her global lifestyle.
Speculation is rife that Vavilova may have played a role in Durov’s arrest. Theories circulating online suggest that she may have been under surveillance, which ultimately led authorities to Durov. Some even propose that she might have inadvertently attracted attention to their activities or could have been a willing participant in the events leading to the arrest.
The woman who accompanied Pavel Durov on his journey that led to his arrest is Juli Vavilova
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Ms. Vavilova and Durov have been spotted together in various locations, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, with photos of their travels frequently appearing in her Instagram stories and highlights. Their relationship was further underscored by their arrival in Paris on a private jet, just before their arrest by French authorities. While the exact nature of their connection remains unclear, their frequent public appearances suggest a deeper bond.
In the wake of Durov’s arrest, Vavilova’s social media posts, particularly those featuring Durov in Paris, have fueled speculation within the crypto community. Some have even posited that she might have inadvertently or intentionally led authorities to their location. Conspiracy theories range from her being a “honeytrap” to suggestions that she could be a Mossad agent.
As of now, the details surrounding Juli Vavilova’s involvement in Durov’s arrest remain uncertain. According to AFP, loved ones have been unable to reach her since the CEO’s detention, adding to the mystery surrounding her role in this unfolding drama.
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